Last updated on June 15th, 2023 at 03:07 pm

Covid 19 risk assessment for staff: please read following before completing.

The success of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme has meant that the requirement for shielding and identifying people as clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) is no longer necessary. However, there remains a smaller number of people whose immune system means they are at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 (higher risk of serious illness conditions group), despite vaccination. Enhanced protections, such as those offered by specific treatments, and/or additional vaccinations alongside other protective behaviours or control measures will benefit these individuals. Therefore, it is no longer a requirement for all staff to complete the covid risk assessment.

Who needs to complete the covid risk assessment?

Staff currently employed by STHK: Staff who currently have a condition which falls into the higher risk of serious illness conditions’ category ( should already have completed a covid risk assessment along with their line manager, and control measure should be in place.

Staff who are new to working at STHK: Any new staff who fall in to the ‘higher risk of serious illness conditions’ group will be advised by HWWB on their fitness to work certificate (fit slip) that they will be required to complete the covid risk assessment with their line manager.

Pregnant staff: All pregnant staff are required to complete the covid risk assessment along with the new and expectant mothers risk assessment. These should be done with your manager at the same time.

This risk assessment once completed should be reviewed regularly as these are dynamic risks that may change over time. Completion of the risk assessment and the implementation of any identified adjustments will look to mitigate any residual risk so far as is reasonably practicable.

Risk Assessment Documents

Employees at Higher Risk Risk Assessment – Click Here

New and Expectant Mother Risk Assessment – Click Here

Pregnancy COVID Risk Assessment – Click Here

Please complete with your line manager. Once completed any risk identified needs control measures put in place to mitigate the risk. If risk cannot be mitigated, you can seek further support / advice from your HRBP and HWWB.

A copy needs to be saved to their employee records, held by line manager.