Last updated on September 29th, 2023 at 04:32 pm
All staff working on the Haematology inpatient ward (2A) or Lilac Centre should ensure you have a small amount of tests at home (at least 5 per person) for use if/when required.
The way LFDs are obtained has changed. You are no longer able to request LFDs via the “” website.
LFDs can be ordered via Oracle by creating a requisition. This can be by whoever normally orders your consumables for the Ward- via this link:
Oracle (SBS). In the Oracle catalogue, type in “LFD” and select 1 box of 7 LFDs.
For emergency use, Ward Managers on 2A and Lilac Centre will also have a small stock However, symptomatic staff MUST not come into specifically for the purpose of obtaining LFDs.
To support statutory reporting requirements, staff patient test results are required to the reported to NHSE each week. Therefore, an excel sheet will be made available for staff to contact their Ward/Dept Manager to capture the required fields.
If your test result is POSITIVE:
Staff undertaking regular Lateral Flow Device testing (LFD), who test positive but are well (asymptomatic) should self-isolate and inform their line manager immediately. The line manager must refer the staff member to the Self-Isolation Team, however, the staff member does not need confirmation via a PCR test.
The staff member must send photographic proof of the positive LFD test to their line manager, including the serial number of the test, and this must be forwarded on to the Self-Isolation Team for recording.
Self-isolation guidelines:
If your test result is NEGATIVE:
Record the information on the report system.
If your test result is INVALID:
Record the information on the reporting system and repeat the test with a new test kit.
If you have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms please refer to the Trust’s self-isolation guidance: as this test may miss some positive cases.
For full information on LFD testing, please see the document below: