Last updated on April 8th, 2020 at 02:22 pm

Revised admission criteria to Haematology Ward

The below list highlights syndromes and infections that must not be transferred to the haematology ward. Patients on the haematology ward tend to be immunosuppressed and more stringent infection prevention and control procedures are required in this environment. 

This guidance applies to medical outliers only (i.e. haematology patients or neutropenic oncology patients may be admitted to 2A, but they would need to be appropriately isolated on transfer). 

If there is any suspicion clinically of any of the conditions below (i.e. confirmation not available at the time of transfer), the patient must not be transferred to 2A. 

The list below is not exhaustive hence if the transferring ward/team have any queries, please with the Infection Prevention Team ext 1384/1005/1193/2452/1077 or bleep 7570 (or for urgent queries out of hours, the on-call medical microbiologist) before the transfer occurs.

Red = should not be admitted
Green = can be admitted