Last updated on December 6th, 2021 at 11:46 am


In the event a case of COVID-19 (coronavirus) patient is identified at Whiston Hospital, the following procedure is to be implemented:

PPE required for patient transfer for suspected or confirmed cases:

If the patient is having an AGP (aerosol generating procedures), staff accompanying the patient should be in additional PPE (below) but in this scenario, wherever possible the ward staff should transfer the patient. Other staff e.g. Portering could assist as long as they are not within 2m of the patient:

Staff accompanying the patient (i.e. within 2m) should wear the following PPE:

  • Long sleeved disposable gown
  • Gloves
  • FFP3 mask
  • Eye protection (goggles or visor)

Portering staff involved in the transfer who are >2m away from the patient should wear the following PPE:

  • Surgical mask
  • Gloves
  • Apron

There is no need for security to close routes or separate cleaning behind the patient (except the lift used – see below)

Portering staff including Portering supervisors must only support the patient transfer if they have been fit tested. This will be arranged by the Portering Manager or Environmental Officer.

If the patient is not having AGP on transfer – the following should be used:

  • Surgical mask on patient
  • Surgical mask/gloves/apron for Portering staff accompanying patient 

Transfer of confirmed infected deceased patient:

  • No body bag required 
  • Mask, gloves and apron to be worn throughout transfer

Hand hygiene to be followed at all times and PPE should be disposed of via the orange waste stream.

Dedicated lifts for ONLY confirmed or suspected COVID-19 transfers – Emergency lifts (Lift No’s 11 & 12).

Only the Medical Emergency lifts are to be utilised for the transfer of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients (signage has been mounted to lifts 11 & 12. For all other transfers alternative lifts are to be used.

AED, Security & Portering have dedicated lift keys to support the calling and isolation of the lift during the patient transfer.

The area on all levels around the Emergency lifts is to be kept clear at all times from any equipment or beds. The Portering Supervisor will monitor throughout the day to ensure compliance.

Entering lifts

No entry of other staff, visitors or patients during the lift transfer.

If Porters are accompanying a patient undergoing AGP, they must only enter the lift with clinical staff if they have been fit tested and wearing PPE as described above under AGP’s. Where Porters are accompanying to support the route only, they will access the appropriate required level via stairwells and meet the medical team at the identified area, keeping the route clear as they do so.

No reference or information is to be given where the patient is being transferred to or who the patient is. Patient confidentiality is to remain paramount at all times.

Infection Control

Where, in the instance during the transfer that a bodily spillage has occurred; an accompanying medical staff team member will address the spillage, immediately followed by the domestic department via Ext: 1188. If a patient undergoing an AGP has been transported in the lift, contact the Domestic department via Ext: 1188 to clean the lift prior to use again.

Cleaning of wheelchairs before and after each use

All Porters must clean each wheelchair in between each patient movement using Super Sani-Cloth Plus disinfection wipes which can be obtained at ward/department level, Porters rest room level 1, Main Reception or the Porters Control Office. 

Porters must pay close attention to the below areas when cleaning wheelchairs.

  • Chair arm rests
  • Two foot rests
  • Chair seat
  • Chair back
  • Chair frame

Post Incident Management

Full details of the support provided is to be recorded on a minor incident form which is retained by the Manager.