Today’s staff update is below:
- Urgent PPE recall
- Guidelines for pregnant staff
- Updated quarantine guidance
- Shielding patients
- Uniform procedures
- Final NHS Covid Heroes
The Trust has been advised that there may be a problem with some Flosteril gowns which have been issued as part of national PPE. While this is being investigated, we have been advised to cease use of these and quarantine them.
Please stop using these for immediately and return to the White Space at Whiston where they will be replaced.
The White Space is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and will be open this Saturday 12.30pm-2.30pm to arrange any exchanges.
As you will be aware, the Government guidance in relation to staff who were shielding changes from 1st August 2020. We have been waiting for clarity on pregnant workers and have today received the following information.
For employees less than 28 weeks pregnant – Pregnant women in their first or 2nd trimester, with no underlying health conditions, can remain in work practising social distancing, provided the necessary precautions are taken – this includes the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and an individualised risk assessment.
28 weeks or more – Pregnant workers in their third trimester, or who have an underlying health condition – such as heart or lung disease – no longer need to shield but are recommended to avoid direct patient contact. Employees in this criteria have the following options
- Work from home if possible,
- Continue to work where the role allows them to avoid patient contact
- Redeploy to a non-patient facing role – please contact your HR Business Partner in this regard.
Further guidance has been issued from NHS Employers regarding Quarantine requirements following travel abroad.
Earlier this week, the Government issued guidance advising against all non-essential travel to Spain, this includes the Canaries and Balearics. Anyone visiting these areas are now required to quarantine for 14 days when they return to the UK.
Advice for staff:
Any members of Trust staff travelling to Spain, or any other country without air corridor agreements, need to talk to their manager as soon as possible (prior to travelling) to agree how the implications of the quarantine period will be managed.
Staff needing to quarantine will be required to use additional annual leave or unpaid leave.
- In exceptional circumstances, such as needing to travel for a family funeral or where staff have pre-booked travel (booked prior to 26th July) whereby if the member of staff did not travel it would result in financial costs being incurred (ie insurers will not reimburse cost) then consideration will be given to working from home or working additional hours (within 6 months) to satisfy quarantine requirements. Staff must talk to their line manager as soon as possible.
The relevant service/department must be able to support staff not being in work due to meeting quarantine requirements, this includes from a patient care perspective and also the impact on other colleagues, such as their planned annual leave being affected.
It may therefore not be possible to approve all requests to meet quarantine requirements.
Staff may have seen media reports indicating that health and care workers are not included in these quarantine requirements. The Government have now confirmed that the quarantine requirements do apply to health and care staff.
Further details on which countries are affected are available on the Gov.uk website:
For those staff in Spain now, or who are returning this week, we are looking at a range of options as to how best to support colleagues affected, taking into account the suddenness of the Government announcement over last weekend.
This will include working from home, where possible, or working additional hours (within 6 months) to satisfy quarantine requirements.
Any further national guidance received will be communicated to staff as and when this is received.
We are aware of the national relaxation of restrictions for adults shielded patients from the 1st August, however Trust policy will remain that shielded patients wherever possible will remain nursed in a cubicle.
Where this is not possible, shielded patients can be cohorted in a bay, ensuring the use of single use PPE (i.e. gloves, apron, type IIR surgical face mask and eye protection) which should be changed before and after each clinical interaction with the shielded patient.
Standard infection prevention procedures remain in place for all patients (including Shielded patients) who require isolation for other reasons.
Any queries should be discussed with the Infection Prevention Team.
Please can we remind all staff that the risk of Covid-19 has NOT reduced.
Procedures surrounding uniforms are still in place and should continue to be adhered to.
Staff must continue to follow uniform procedures:
- Where possible all staff should travel to and from work in their own clothes and change into uniform at work.
- Uniforms should be removed before leaving the hospital and transported in a separate disposable plastic bag and laundered at home.
- Hospital uniform must not be worn outside the hospital premises unless it is completely covered by a fully fastened coat or outer garment.
- Staff travelling on public transport should not travel in hospital uniform
- Staff should not go into shops in hospital uniform
- All staff undertaking work in community settings should wear hospital uniform when on duty, unless otherwise agreed (e.g. safety reasons)
- Staff wearing uniform on leaving work must change immediately when they get home.
- Uniforms must be laundered as per the Trust laundry policy: Launder daily on a separate wash at the highest temperature available on a domestic washing machine (minimum 60˚C). DO NOT add other clothing items to the load.
Scrubs must only be worn in high risk areas – Do not wear scrubs outside the hospitals
Please wear one set of scrubs per shift and only change if they become soiled.
Scrubs are to be left at the hospitals and cleaned by our laundry service the process is as follows:
- Place used scrubs in white linen bag
- Put this in disposal hold
- The scrubs are then collected, cleaned and put back into circulation
- Do not leave scrubs on the floor or anywhere else
Intensive Care Unit
A very special and final #NHSCovidHeroes status today to pay tribute to every member of staff that has worked on the Intensive Care Unit throughout the pandemic.
Putting their own fears aside, they have fought tirelessly and shown courage beyond compare.
Behind the masks and goggles, their smiling eyes have given hope to those they’ve cared for.
There has been some incredibly tough times, but without falter they have served with a resilience and dignity that has been truly inspiring.
We wish we could honour each and every team, and we do…
Team STHK, we salute you!
Each and every member of staff that continues to fight this battle for our patients and for each other.
There are no words that can do justice to the levels of heroism that our staff right across the Trust have shown.
You are all HEROES!