Last updated on January 4th, 2022 at 03:34 pm
Staff vaccinations – your questions answered, fertility and pregnancy
We have had a fantastic take-up of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, with over 80% of staff now having had their first dose. Thank you to everyone who has been vaccinated.
We know, however, that some staff have been wondering whether they should get vaccinated if they are planning a pregnancy or having fertility treatment.
As with any medicine, the COVID-19 vaccines have gone through strict approval processes. The MHRA have carefully assessed the vaccines and approved them for use because they have a good safety record and are highly effective.
There is also some excellent advice from local and national experts in fertility and obstetrics, which should reassure you if you have any concerns:
- Specialists from Liverpool Women’s Hospital have created this short video:
with advice for anyone who is planning a pregnancy, already pregnant or having fertility treatment. It is definitely worth watching if you have any questions or worries about getting vaccinated. - Liverpool Women’s Hospital have also published some guidance for anyone undergoing fertility treatment:
- The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have also offered reassurance about the misconceptions surrounding the vaccine: - The Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists (ARCS) and the British Fertility Society (BFS) have also issued some excellent advice for people having fertility treatment,
but this information is also really helpful for anyone with general concerns or questions about the vaccine and fertility.
You can read it here: - The website also has lots of useful information and advice for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning a pregnancy.
If you still have questions, or have any other areas of concern, please email them to: and we will have our panel of experts, led by Professor Kevin Hardy, Medical Director for the Vaccination Programme, answer your queries, we will of course keep them anonymous.
If you haven’t had your first vaccine yet, please click here:
More information and FAQs can be found on the COVID website: (password: STHKcovid19)