Last updated on January 4th, 2022 at 03:35 pm
Today’s update is below:
- FFP3 masks
- Scrubs
- Staff Vaccination programme update
- Liverpool City Region Covid Heroes
FFP3 Masks
As part of the adjustment to national supply of FFP3 masks, the supply of 3M 1863+ masks has now stopped and Trust levels of stock are low.
As per previous communications, please ensure that you are immediately tested on alternatives, if you have not been so already.
This fit testing can be done through local fit testers or through the central booking system. There are plenty of other makes and models readily available.
Staff are to wear one set of scrubs per shift and only change if they become soiled.
Scrubs are to be left at the hospitals and cleaned by our laundry service.
Staff are also reminded about the appropriate disposal of scrubs in the new changing facility within the Therapy Suite, Level One, Whiston.
The process is as follows:
- Place used scrubs in a red aliginate bag (provided in the changing room)
- Put this in the white bag in the disposal hold
- The scrubs are then collected, cleaned and put back into circulation
- Do not leave scrubs on the floor or anywhere else
Staff Vaccination programme update
So far, and only 3 weeks into the programme, the Vaccination Team at Nightingale House have given over 5,500 staff their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
This is an incredible rate and we would like to thank all those that have attended for their vaccine.
If you are yet to receive an invite for your first dose, please speak to your line manager, who should have received information on how to book you in.
Liverpool City Region Covid Heroes
The Guide Liverpool are looking for Liverpool City Region’s Covid Heroes to feature on their website and social media.
You can nominate a member of your team by emailing a photograph, job title and the reason why you think this person is your Covid hero to: