Staff Update 18/08/2021

Last updated on January 4th, 2022 at 03:32 pm

Please remember to check the Staff Covid Website (password STHKcovid19) for all the latest Covid related guidance and information

In today’s update:



As of Monday 16th August, the rules around self-isolation for the general public changed. HOWEVER, there are still rules and procedures in place for NHS staff.

Please make sure that you are familiar with the below guidelines and follow the correct procedure if you are in contact with anyone who tests positive with COVID-19.

ALL STHK staff / students / volunteers MUST continue to self-isolate immediately if they:

  • Develop symptoms of COVID-19

If they have symptoms but test negative by PCR, they can return to work when well enough.

ALL STHK staff / students / volunteers MUST continue to self-isolate immediately for 10 days, if they:

  • Test positive for COVID-19 with a PCR test

ALL STHK staff / students / volunteers MUST NOT attend work if:

  • A member of their household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (pending the results of a PCR test) or tests positive for COVID-19

They must inform their line manager as soon as possible, who must then complete a referral to the Self-isolation Team. The staff member MUST NOT return to work until they are informed they can by the Self-Isolation Team.

If staff / students / volunteers have been in contact with a person who tests positive for COVID-19, and the positive person DOES NOT live in their household, the staff member MUST:

  • Inform their line manager ASAP
  • The line manager must complete a referral to the Self-isolation Team who will arrange a PCR test for the staff member (turnaround time for results is up to 24 hours)
  • The staff member MUST NOT attend for work until a negative PCR test result is confirmed by the Self-Isolation Team
  • If the PCR test result is negative, the staff member can return to work as long as the following applies:
    – the staff member is asymptomatic (does not have symptoms of COVID-19)
    – the staff member has had TWO COVID-19 vaccinations (with the 2nd vaccination being more than 14 days from the date of exposure to COVID-19)
    – the staff member does not live with the positive contact
    – the staff member is able to be redeployed to a lower risk area
    – the staff member MUST then take a lateral flow COVID-19 test every day, for 10 days, and report the result to their line manager and via the national web portal
    – the staff member MUST continue to follow all PPE and social distancing guidance (see below)

Further information can be found on the COVID website (password: STHKcovid19):


There are no changes to the isolation guidance for patients. In-patients who are known to have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 positive person (whether this is within the Trust or prior to admission) must be isolated or cohorted until their hospital admission ends, or until 14 days after last exposure if they remain in hospital. This applies to all patients, irrespective of whether they have been fully vaccinated or had a prior COVID-19 infection.


As Covid cases continue to be widespread in our local communities, to enable the Trust to keep our members of staff safe, risk assessments need to be reviewed and kept up to date as work environment or individual staff member’s health changes.

Line Managers

As a line manager you have a responsibility to ensure all of your staff have completed a covid risk assessment irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, and pre-existing conditions. If they have completed a covid risk assessment already, this does not need to be re-assessed,  however if there has been a change to their working environment or health conditions then as their line manager should be speaking to them about updating their risk assessment.

The risk assessment can be located here;

If you have a member of staff that is high risk, please review the staff member’s risk assessment to ensure all recommendations are being followed. If you wish to discuss the staff members risk assessment in more detail please contact the HR Business Partner for your area for further advice.

Existing staff members

As a staff member if you have completed a covid risk assessment already and there has not been a change to your working environment or your health conditions then you do not need to be reassessed, however if there has been a change then you should be speaking to your line manager about updating your risk assessment.

If you are unsure about your suitability to remain in your current area of work then you must discuss these concerns with your Line Manager in the first instance.

New staff members

Any new starters joining the organisation must complete a covid risk assessment, once completed; your Manager will have a conversation with you to discuss any reasonable adjustments that may be required.

If you have any concerns about your suitability to remain in your current area of work then you must discuss these concerns with your Line Manager in the first instance.

Pregnant staff members

At present, the guidance is that staff members who are 28+ weeks pregnant must be medically suspended. You may be asked to support from home during this time.

You are reminded to update your covid risk assessment when you become aware of your pregnancy. If you work in the following areas then you may need to be redeployed

  • 2C
  • AMU
  • A&E
  • ICU

However, this will be discussed in more detail with your Manager on completion of your covid risk assessment


It is Trust policy that ALL staff MUST wear the appropriate PPE in ALL clinical and non-clinical settings. Any breach in Trust policy may result in disciplinary action

Staff Safety Measures for ALL staff

  • It is critical that staff continue to wear the correct PPE in ALL clinical and non-clinical settings, including office areas, and when transferring patients within and outside of the hospitals.
  • Surgical face masks (covering noses and mouths) MUST be worn in all public areas and in any area where social distancing is not possible.
  • Continue to stay 2m apart
  • Continue to wash/sanitise hands frequently, especially when entering sites and clinical areas/wards


Hospital visiting remains suspended except for patients receiving end of life care, visiting for patients with mental health issues such as dementia or other disabilities, maternity visiting and visiting children.
Visitors should be questioned as to whether they have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days, and if they have should NOT be allowed to attend the hospital.