Staff Update 17/02/22

Last updated on October 23rd, 2023 at 11:41 am

In today’s update:

  • SELF-ISOLATION HUB – temporary closure
  • Safety measures remain in place

SELF-ISOLATION HUB – temporary closure

The on-site testing hub at Whiston Hospital will be closed until Monday 21st February.

Symptomatic staff are still required to have a PCR test to confirm COVID-19 infection. Managers must continue to refer to the self-isolation team to enable recording and to allow the team to contact the member of staff and give advice.

Whilst the testing hub is closed, staff can either;

  • arrange their own swab at a local testing centre – book a PCR test online at
    Staff must provide proof of the PCR result to their line manager as soon as it is received from the national system.
  • have a colleague perform the swab (off site in the carpark) and have the swab taken directly to microbiology.
    The swabbed staff member must not come into the building or take the sample to Microbiology themselves.
    All swabs should be marked with HWWB. Please ensure you include full personal identifiable information is included, including a mobile phone number.
    The staff member will receive the result via text and this should be shared with their line manager as soon as it is received.


COVID-19 safety measures remain in place across ALL Trust buildings.

This includes the wearing of face masks for staff, and face masks or coverings for all patients and visitors (unless exempt) in all health and care settings, regular hand washing and sanitising and social distancing.

Limits on the number of people in lifts remain. Signs at the entrance to each lift clearly state the maximum number of people allowed.

Staff are to continue working from home where possible.

Visiting restrictions also remain in place to ensure that everyone is protected.