Staff Update 16/10/20

  • Remdesivir email requests
  • Repeat testing of patients who have a negative admission screen
  • Visiting for patients nearing the end of life
  • PPE guidance reminders

Remdesivir email requests

Please do not use the email as a way of requesting the drug for a patient.

The inbox is monitored during office hours and should only be used to inform the Trust of the numbers of patients requiring the drug and, if there are shortages, to allocate supplies in chronological order.

Patients identified as suitable for Remdesivir therapy will need this prescribing on EPMA (or paper chart if that is what the area uses on a regular basis e.g. ICU).

There is a requirement for a form to be completed for each patient who receives Remdesivir, prescribers should contact their ward clinical pharmacist who can advise on the paperwork required and ensure stock is supplied

Repeat testing of patients who have a negative admission screen

Any inpatients who test negative for COVID on their admission screen must be retested 5 days after admission. The repeat screens should then be continued every 5 days until discharge unless the patient is found to be positive.

This is important in identifying cases in a timely manner and reducing the risk of COVID transmission within the Trust.

Note that this is a change from the previous guidance of retesting 5-7 days after admission and then every 5-7 days until discharge

Visiting for patients nearing the end of life

Please can we remind staff that visiting is suspended throughout the organisation until further notice. This applies to all our hospitals, Whiston Hospital, St Helens Hospital and Newton Community Hospital.
One visitor (wearing full PPE – goggles/visor, apron, surgical mask and gloves) is permitted for patients receiving end of life care.

Further national guidance and information can be found here (password STHKcovid19)

PPE guidance reminders

All staff must adhere to PPE guidance for their area this includes wearing surgical masks when moving around our buildings.

All patients must wear surgical masks when moving around the ward (away from bedside) and around our buildings.