Staff Update 16/04/20

Some of our incredible staff are front page news in today’s St Helens Star! You can check them out online too

To show their appreciation the paper has launched an appeal to raise funds for our staff and will be featuring more of your stories in the coming weeks.

We’re so proud of you all and will be clapping for each and every one of you at 8pm tonight J

Today’s cabinet update is below:

Pay Progression

In 2018 the reform of Agenda for Change introduced a new pay progression system which linked pay to performance.

The pay progression element was not implemented immediately but came into effect for any new staff due an increment from 1st April 2020.  This also includes staff promoted into a new role from 1st April 2019 who would also be due an increment in April 2020.

The pay progression framework means that in order to progress to the next pay point employees must meet the following standards:

  1. Appraisal process has been completed within the last 12 months and outcomes are in line with the organisation’s standards
  2. Not in a formal capability process
  3. No formal disciplinary sanction live on employment record
  4. Completed all required statutory and/or mandatory training
  5. If a line manager, must have completed all appraisals for staff as required

Due to the COVID19 Pandemic it has been agreed that all staff due an increment in April, May or June will have their increment automatically processed with the exception of staff who have a live disciplinary sanction on their record. 

Staff will be contacted individually if their incremental progression is being paused.

Please contact Leanne Williams, HR Business Partner on 1008 or via email for any queries.

Use of antibiotics in patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19:

Currently available evidence suggests that the frequency of secondary bacterial infection in patients with COVID-19 is low. 

Only start antibiotics if there is high clinical suspicion of bacterial infection. Please follow the antibiotic guidance for COVID-19 patients on MicroGuide.

Note that co-amoxiclav / levofloxacin should only be used in patients with severe pneumonia with respiratory failure/ARDS or haemodynamic instability. Cover for atypical bacterial infection (e.g. clarithromycin) is not required for patients highly likely to have COVID-19.

PPE guidance for staff that move between wards/depts. (transient staff)

This guidance applies to members of staff that work across a number of areas during their shift, e.g. pharmacists, phlebotomists, therapy staff, porters, catering staff etc.

Each ward / department has their own requirements for PPE, depending on the nature of care being provided.

Staff that move between wards /depts. and only spend part of their shift (less than half) in an area, are NOT required to wear scrubs.

What ‘transient’ staff should wear:

  • Normal uniform i.e. dress, tunic, t-shirt
  • Surgical mask (when in a clinical area)

If in direct contact with a patient, they should also wear:

  • Apron
  • Gloves (to be changed between every patient and followed by usual hand hygiene procedure)
  • Eye protection (to be worn on risk assessment)


Re-useable FFP3 masks have been delivered to ITU

Coveralls are now in use. The Trust’s PPE guidance has been updated to reflect this and coverall donning and doffing instructions have been added. 


We are appealing to all staff to be ‘Scrub Sensible’ and not ‘Scrub Selfish’!

Here’s how:

Please wear one set of scrubs per shift and only change if they become soiled.

Please leave scrubs at the hospitals to be cleaned by our laundry service

Please DO NOT hoard scrubs for use at a later date

Please DO NOT leave scrubs on the floor


This hardworking team really do have our staff covered by altering, ordering and distributing uniforms and scrubs on an even greater scale than usual during the pandemic.  If you think your washing basket is full then spare a thought for this team who are organising the collection, laundering and delivery of over 1250 set of scrubs every day!

Fantastic work gang, you really are hidden heroes!