Staff Update 15/04/20

Thank you for all your continued hard work

Please see today’s cabinet update below:


We understand that social distancing may not be possible in clinical situations but at all other times eg when arriving at work, walking from the car park, walking around the hospitals, or on breaks etc Please keep your distance! 

Guidance is as follows: stay 2m apart, 2 people in a lift and 1 person through the revolving doors at any one time


Staff are reminded that they should only access patient records that are needed to carry out their role. 

Staff should not access their own records, those of family, friends or records of VIPs who may have attended the Trust for treatment as to do so is a breach of governance.


The Government and leading telecoms companies have announced new initiatives to support healthcare professionals with priority broadband and free data.  Frontline NHS workers dealing with COVID-19 will be able to access free data and calls when using their own phone for work purposes.  For clinicians working from home, they will benefit from priority broadband to ensure they are using the fastest possible solution.  Follow this link for more information:


Please be aware of the current Phishing Email scam in circulation.

Payroll HAVE NOT sent this email and DO NOT require you to update details outside of ESR.

“Subject: Re:  April Payroll Benefit.

All staff & employee of NSH are expected to verify their email account for new payroll directory and adjustment for the month of April benefit payment. Please kindly Click APRIL-BENEFIT and complete the required directive to avoid omission of your benefit payment for April 2020.

Thank you,

Payroll Admin Department.

© 2020 All rights reserved.”

If you have clicked/opened a potentially malicious link or attachment and have noticed unexpected behaviour on your machine, please advise the service desk immediately.

If you have provided your user ID and password, or other sensitive information, you may need to change your passwords. You may possibly need to change passwords on multiple systems if you use similar or the same password elsewhere.

  • Watch out for scam messages!
  • If you don’t recognise the sender – Do not click on the Link
  • Do not open any suspicious looking attachments
  • If at all in doubt about the origin of an email you receive do not open it
  • Never respond to unsolicited messages and calls that ask for your personal or financial details.

Remember- Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated and the emails they send often look legitimate. Their aim is to obtain your personal details, passwords or other confidential information.

Please report any of these emails to the IT Service Desk


Due to a national shortage of gowns the Trust is expecting to use coveralls in some clinical areas. The Trust’s PPE guidance has been updated to reflect this and coverall donning and doffing instructions have been added. 

Patient Property Procedure during Covid-19 Outbreak

During the current Covid-19 outbreak no patient cash or valuables will be accepted by the General Office or the Security Office at both Whiston and St Helens hospitals

The ward is responsible for the collection and safe keeping of all patients’ property and should be managed as per ward procedures.

The cash and valuables book should continue to be completed with as much information as possible including the patient’s hospital number.

The property should then be safely stored on the ward with the location of the property documented in the cash and valuables book while arrangements are made to return the property to either the patient or their next of kin.

A copy of this revised procedure will be delivered to each clinical area within the next 24 hours.

Please could this be attached to the front of the cash and valuables book and staff within your department made aware of this procedure.


Today we celebrate our fantastic Research Nurses who have quickly responded to the urgent need to know more about Covid-19. They are currently recruiting to 5 research studies and have signed up almost 100 patients in recent weeks. Their vital work will keep us all safer in the future and makes them our NHS Covid (super)Heroes!

Thank you so much