Staff Update 14/04/20

Thank you all for your continued hard work at this time.

Today’s Cabinet update is below: 

Oxygen Cylinders

The Portering Team are monitoring the usage of oxygen cylinders at ward level to ensure that supplies are maintained where needed.

To ensure stocks are maintained could you please make sure that you call the Helpdesk ext: 1188 to request that empty cylinders are collected.

Returning of Clinical Equipment

All palliative care syringe drivers are to be returned to the Palliative Care Team in the Medical Directorate Office, Green Zone NOT to the Equipment Pool.

Please decontaminate your equipment before bringing it to the department, attach blue decontamination note as per trust policy.

Please return syringe drivers promptly so supply is able to meet demand

If you require a syringe driver for your patient please continue to collect and sign out from Palliative Care: ext. 4266

**NEW** Volunteer Response Team

The Volunteer Response Team launches tomorrow (Weds 15 April) at Whiston Hospital.

Staff will be able to telephone volunteers and ask for their help in real time. They can run an errand, pack a patient’s belongings so they are ready for discharge, deliver smaller items or collect medications. 

The service runs from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

To contact the Volunteer Responders direct tel: 07876007077 or 07880005210

If you would like to know more information about this service please contact the Volunteer Department on 0151 676 5484 or 0151 290 4531.

Accommodation Process

There will be circumstances, aside from living with an extremely vulnerable household member, where accommodation will be required. If accommodation is required please complete the Accommodation Request Form and return it with the risk assessment to which will be processed in line with the agreed NHS national guidelines. Please note that we will be unable to support accommodation that is booked outside of this process.

Staff Testing

Please can we remind staff that the self-isolation form is to be completed by your Line Manager.

If staff do complete the form themselves they MUST cc. their manager into the email when they submit it or the form will not be accepted.


They’ve been answering more than 5000 calls per day as well as handling emergencies, major incidents, on-call rosters and the bleep system so it’s no wonder that the incredible Switchboard Team has been nominated as today’s Hospital Heroes!

A huge round of applause, an enormous thank you and a big cheer for you all!