Staff Update 11/05/20

PRODUCT RECALL – Tiger Eye Protector Product

FAO Ward Managers

On Saturday evening (9th May) the DHSC advised that some of the eye protectors that have been issued as part of the national pandemic provision are not to be used. Note and picture for reference. We do have these within the organisation.

We have plenty of visors available to cover this issue but we immediately ask that these eye protectorspictured are not used and are placed in bags/boxes and either taken to the ‘White Space’ if clean, or disposed of as per the usual process if they have been used.

From 10:30am today, the Procurement Team have been visiting wards at Whiston Hospital (where most aerosol generating procedures (APGs) will occur), to advise of this, help collect any unused eye protectors and also drop off replacement visors, if required.
The current Infection Prevention and Control Guidance recommends that a full face shield or visor should be used when performing APGs. The risk from using these eye protectors when not performing AGPs is limited, but we will swap out all these eye protectors.

If you have any urgent issues please email or call Rob Williams 0151 290 4642 or Jennifer Morrison 0151 676 5872


With effect Tuesday 12th May 2020, the Trust is launching a text messaging service that will send both positive and negative COVID-19 test results to members of staff and their cohabitants who have been tested through one of the Trust’s COVID Swabbing Stations. 

When your results are ready, you will receive a text message to the mobile number given at the Swabbing Station, with a link to the Portal to access your results.  You should then:

  1. Click on the link provided in the text message.
  2. Provide your user name; this will be the mobile phone number that you provided at the Swabbing Station.
  3. Input your password; this will be your date of birth provided at the Swabbing Station (format DD/MM/YYYY; e.g. 06/07/1986). 
  4. So long as your user name and password match your information on the portal you will be sent a secure 6-digit code to your mobile phone.
  5. Input this code to access the portal and will see one of the following messages:
  • Negative:
    • “Following your recent COVID 19 Swab test we are pleased to inform you that your test was negative.  A member of the COVID-19 Results Team will be in touch with you shortly to discuss what happens next.  The link below contains further NHS Guidance on your test result means to you.  In the meantime you are to contact your line manager at the earliest opportunity to discuss your planned return to work”
  • Positive:
    • “Following your recent COVID 19 Swab test you have tested Positive.  You are to self-isolate for the next 7 days. A member of the COVID-19 Results Team will be in touch with you shortly to discuss what happens next.  The link below contains further NHS Guidance on what your results mean to you.”

If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact the IT Service Desk:(0151) 676 5678 or click the Service Desk icon from your desktop to report the issues through the IT Portal.



Freedom to Speak Up Guardians are continuing to support staff members  to ensure that your voices are listened to and responded to.

Speaking up about any concern you have at work is really important. In fact, it is vital,  because it will help us to keep improving our services for all patients and the working environment for our staff.
You may feel worried about raising a concern, and we understand this. But please don’t be put off. Acting in a genuinely independent and impartial capacity, the Freedom To Speak Up Guardians (FTSUG) will support staff in addressing their concerns.

Concerns can be raised anonymously, by name and on an informal or formal basis.

If you have any concerns and wish to discuss them, please speak to one of the following:·        

  • Your manager

Or, if it is not appropriate to speak to your manager, please  discuss your concerns with one of the Freedom to Speak Up Guardians

You may wish to use Speak in Confidence –  anonymous online system, to raise  your concerns,which  is accessible from your Smart Phone, Tablet or PC. Details about Speak in Confidence –  anonymous online system and how to use can be found in  



Today we salute Marie McDougall, Healthcare Assistant, Intensive Care Unit. Marie is a retired member of staff that returned and was adamant she wanted to help during the pandemic.
As well as dedicating long hours to care for critically ill patients, Marie has moved into a hotel for the duration of the pandemic to ensure she protects her husband who has his own health issues and is shielding from the risk of infection.
Marie has been truly selfless in putting the needs of patients first and her support to her colleagues and patients during this time has been exceptional. Marie, you are truly an NHS angel!