Staff Update 10/04/20

Last updated on April 13th, 2020 at 02:20 pm

The new ‘go to place’ for covid related staff information is the STHK Covid19 website (see details below)

It launched yesterday and we’ve received great feedback from staff who can now access all the info they need from their personal mobiles (as well as Trust devices and computers etc)

We’ve even heard from one staff member who was able to read the daily staff update while queuing at the supermarket! 

Thank you all for your continued support and hard work, today’s cabinet meeting update is below:

Preventing skin damage from PPE

The Trust’s Tissue Viability Team has developed guidance to help prevent skin damage under PPE. This is now available on the STHK covid website. It includes information relating to using cream/dressings from ward stock.

For any further guidance, arising issues and any support, please do not hesitate to contact your Tissue Viability Team ext. 1928/2624

Returning of Clinical Equipment

It is crucial all clinical equipment is stored centrally to ensure availability, when required.

All palliative care syringe drivers are to now be sent to the Equipment Pool for battery checking, after patient use.

Please decontaminate your equipment before bringing it to the pool, attach blue decontamination note as per trust policy.

If you require a syringe driver for your patient you still collect and sign out from Palliative Care: ext. 4266.

Video Conferencing

The Trust is currently using a number of video conferencing methods to communicate with staff and patients. 

Please be aware that, for information governance and security reasons, the only approved and supported applications for this purpose are:

  • Skype for Business – for clinician to clinician video calls, team video & audio calls, instant messaging and skype voice calls
  • Refero (Telehealth) – for clinician to patient video calls

It is vital that these are the only apps used as others eg. Zoom are not secure.  

NEW Covid website for STHK staff

To make it easier for staff to access covid related information. All STHK covid content currently on the staff intranet is now available on a new website. This is accessible 24/7 from any personal or Trust device including:

  • Mobile phones
  • iPads
  • Laptops
  • Desktop computers


Password: STHKcovid19

Read the latest staff updates, find information on when and what PPE to wear, read the latest FAQs, access forms and look up the latest clinical guidelines for your area. Posters can also be downloaded directly from the site.
The staff intranet pages will remain live over the Bank Holiday weekend, but from Tuesday 14th April the STHK covid site will be the place to go to for all the latest information.


The incredible Prosthetics and Pressure Garments Teams have been working together in recent weeks to make additional visors for staff.

Combining talent, skill and knowledge with a fantastic can do attitude has catapulted them to hero status!

Well done and a huge thank you from us all