Staff Update 06/07/20

Please find today’s staff update below

  • Social Distancing
  • Covid Secure Risk Assessments
  • PPE guidance for handovers
  • PPE guidance for break/meal times
  • Covid Heroes


Please can we remind all staff that the risk of Covid-19 has NOT reduced.
Procedures surrounding uniforms, PPE, visiting restrictions and social distancing are still in place and should continue to be adhered to.


Staff are reminded that social distancing guidelines MUST be followed at all times.

This is applicable in the work environment, and staff are also reminded of their own personal responsibility to follow the Government’s guidance in social environments.

For NHS environments, the 2 metre rule should still be applied.
This includes office environments in both clinical and non-clinical areas.  


  • YOU MUST stay 2m apart as much as possible
  • ALL offices MUST have a Covid Secure Risk Assessment (see details below)
  • ALL offices / meeting areas must clearly display the maximum occupancy permitted on the entrance door (including offices in clinical areas)
  • DO NOT enter an area if the space is already at maximum occupancy, find an alternative desk/meeting space
  • DO NOT sit closer than 2 metres in break out areas or staff rooms
  • DO NOT share cars with other team members
  • DO NOT sit outside in groups
  • only 2 people in a lift
  • 1 person through the revolving doors
  • 1 person per table in the restaurant
  • Respect people’s space in queues in the restaurants, costa and WH Smith
  • Follow directions arrows around the buildings


It is the responsibility of manager / ward managers / matrons to ensure that all areas have a Covid Secure Risk Assessment, including offices in clinical areas.

ALL offices must display a maximum number of occupants clearly on the door, in line with social distancing guidance.

More details of the assessment can be found on the Staff Covid Website (password: STHKcovid19):

If an area CANNOT be made Covid Secure, this should first be escalated senior management to do everything that is practically possible to make the area secure.

If the area cannot be made covid secure, then staff are advised that PPE MUST be worn in this area.



Where social distancing is not possible, staff must wear PPE AT ALL TIMES as follows:

  • Surgical mask
  • Visor
  • Gloves
  • Apron

Please remember, where possible, staff should try to locate alternative office space if the room is at capacity, and hold meetings in a socially distanced manner or virtually.


Staff are reminded that they must socially distance at ALL times in ALL staff rooms/break out areas including during all break and mealtimes.

This means:

  • Reducing the number of people permitted in a room at any one time
  • Staying at least 2m apart by sitting at separate tables, moving chairs etc

Please risk assess all staff rooms and areas and display a notice on each staff room door with the maximum number of people permitted in the room at any one time

Once your area is classed ‘Covid Secure’ you MUST download a Covid Secure Certificate and clearly display this in your office area.


The Colorectal Cancer Team have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic, ensuring patients continue to receive the most timely cancer treatment.

With safety the priority, the team extended their surgery lists to accommodate the extra time needed to navigate the new infection prevention needs and added lists on a weekend to work around theatre availability.

Patients with the most urgent need were fast-tracked & patient experience was at the forefront with extra support provided to not only address fears of a cancer diagnosis, but also receiving treatment during covid.

Patients have been overwhelmingly positive about the care and support they have received from this team during the pandemic, they really are heroes and we’re extremely proud of you all.