Staff Update 01/05/20

Thank you once again for all your efforts across this week, today’s cabinet update is below:

FFP3 Masks

The National Pandemic Store has sent a stock of different FFP3 masks that are similar to the 3M 1863+

The new mask is 3M 1863 and looks very similar to the 1863+

Please check what stock you have and which you are using.

If you have not been fit tested for the new 3M 1863 then you will need to arrange this.

Please telephone extension 1586 to book a fit test.

The image of each mask is below:

Left                              Right

3M 1863+                      (new mask) 3M 1863    

Updated End of Life Care and symptom control advice

Please view the updated advice document for End of Life Care and symptom control on the staff Covid website (password: STHKcovid19)

Plasma donors needed

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) has embarked on a programme to collect large volumes of plasma from potential donors who work for the NHS and who could attend their donor centre in Liverpool

Colleagues who would like to donate should call 0300 123 23 23 and advise that they are an NHS worker. Details will then be passed to the dedicated COVID-19 convalescent plasma team where their offer of help will be prioritised (note:  if prompted by the welcome message: NHS staff are not required to pre-register and can select Option 1).

You can find out more information about the programme here

Annual Leave 2019/20

The Trust is extremely grateful to all of our staff who cancelled their pre-booked annual leave at the end of March and during April to provide crucial support during the Covid-19 pandemic

As a result staff may now have excess leave at the end of the last financial year (2019/20) which they may prefer to have paid rather than take during 2020/21or 2021/22.

Check out your options for the management of annual leave during the Covid19 situation on the Staff Covid Website (password STHKcovid19)


We finish the week with a big thank you to the EBME team who have worked around the clock to support our clinical teams across all areas of our hospitals.

Their vital work commissioning, maintaining and repairing highly complex medical devices has ensured we have been fully prepared at all times, not just hidden heroes these guys (and girl) are hidden gems!

Well done EBME