Last updated on December 16th, 2024 at 01:40 pm
The latest self isolation guidance for the general public is available on the website.
However, there is specific guidance related to healthcare workers who test positive for or have exposure to COVID-19. Please see below information relating to the different types of situation that may require you to self-isolate. Below is a step by step process for each scenario..
Self-isolation information and processes
The staff member must stay at home (or if currently at work, inform line manager and return home immediately).
Inform your line manager immediately.
1.3 All staff other than those working on Haematology inpatient ward (2A), Lilac Centre or Medical Day Unit (MDU) at Ormskirk Hospital:
There is no longer requirement to carry out a COVID test.
You should stay at home until you have not had a fever (if you had one) for at least 48 hours AND you no longer feel unwell.
If you have been tested (e.g. due to outbreak screening) and are positive, you must stay at home, not attend work and avoid contact with others for 5 full days following the date of onset of symptoms (which is day 0). You can return to work on day 6 if you have not had a fever (if you had one) for at least 48 hours AND you no longer feel unwell.
1.4 Staff working on Haematology inpatient ward (2A), Lilac Centre or MDU at Ormskirk Hospital:
1.4.1 Carry out a LFD test at home (note PCR testing is no longer needed).
1.4.2 If the LFD test is negative for COVID-19, you must return to work if/when you are well enough to work.
1.4.3 If the LFD test is positive for COVID-19, you should not attend work for 10 full days after the date your symptoms started. The day when your symptoms first started is day 0. Any members of your household should follow the current government guidance.
1.4.4. Staff working on 2A, Lilac Centre or MDU may be able to end their self-isolation period before the end of the 10 full days and return to work on day 6 by undertaking an LFD test on the fifth day and sixth day of their isolation period (24 hours apart). This means that if for example your isolation period started on the 15th of the month, (start of symptoms), you would take your LFD test on the 20th of the month, not before, and if that is negative, repeat LFD on 21st of the month. If both LFDs are negative, the member of staff can return to work on day 6 (21st of the month in this case) as long as the staff member meets the following criteria:
- Negative LFD on the fifth day and sixth day. If day 5 test is positive, continue to do daily LFD. In order to return to work between day 7 and 10, a member of staff must have 2 negative LFDs taken on 2 consecutive calendar days each taken 24h apart (first one taken on day 5 or later and last one taken on the day of return to work).
- The staff member should feel well enough to work and not have any COVID-19 symptoms including being afebrile for at least 48 hours without any medication to control fever. A cough and/or change in sense of smell/taste may remain for several weeks, but this does not prevent you returning to work.
- Note that between days 5 and 10, if the staff member is well enough, but the LFD result remains positive, the staff member’s manager may make the decision to re-deploy the member of staff to a lower risk area.
- If the LFD test is positive on day 10, the staff member can return to work on ward 2A, Lilac Centre or MDU on day 11 if they fulfil BOTH the following criteria:
- The staff member is not themselves severely immunocompromised. Severely immunocompromised staff who work on ward 2A, Lilac Centre or MDU must have a negative PCR test (taken after completion of self-isolation) before returning to work in those areas. Please contact Health Work and Well Being to arrange the PCR test.
- The staff member must adhere to all the Trust’s infection prevention policies and wear the correct PPE at all times.
If staff do not meet the above criteria, the staff member is required to not attend work for 10 days from the date of their onset of symptoms and if well, can return to work on day 11.
Positive PCR or LFD:
If a staff member has no symptoms but is found to be positive for COVID-19 after a routine PCR or LFD (e.g. outbreak screening), the staff member must stay at home (or if currently at work, inform line manager and return home immediately). Any members of your household should follow the current government guidance.
2.2 All staff other than those working on Haematology inpatient ward (2A), Lilac Centre or Medical Day Unit (MDU) at Ormskirk Hospital:
The staff member must stay at home, not attend work and avoid contact with others for 5 full days following the date of the positive test (note this means the date your test was taken, not the date you received your result).
2.3 Staff working on Haematology inpatient ward (2A), Lilac Centre or Medical Day Unit (MDU) at Ormskirk Hospital
2.3.1 You should not attend work for 10 full days after the date of your positive test (note this means the date your test was taken, not the date you received your result).
2.3.2. Staff working on Haematology inpatient ward (2A), Lilac Centre or MDU may be able to end their self-isolation period before the end of the 10 full days and return to work on day 6 by undertaking an LFD test on the fifth day and sixth day of their isolation period (24 hours apart). This means that if for example your isolation period started on the 15th of the month, (start of symptoms), you would take your LFD test on the 20th of the month, not before, and if that is negative, repeat LFD on 21st of the month. If both LFDs are negative, the member of staff can return to work on day 6 (21st of the month in this case) as long as the staff member meets the following criteria:
- Negative LFD on the fifth day and sixth day. If day 5 test is positive, continue to do daily LFD. In order to return to work between day 7 and 10, a member of staff must have 2 negative LFDs taken on 2 consecutive calendar days each taken 24h apart (first one taken on day 5 or later and last one taken on the day of return to work).
- The staff member should feel well enough to work and not have any COVID-19 symptoms including being afebrile for at least 48 hours without any medication to control fever. A cough and/or change in sense of smell/taste may remain for several weeks, but this does not prevent you returning to work.
- Note that between days 5 and 10, if the staff member is well enough, but the LFD result remains positive, the staff member’s manager may make the decision to re-deploy the member of staff to a lower risk area.
- If the LFD test is positive on day 10, the staff member can return to work on ward 2A, Lilac Centre or MDU on day 11 if they fulfil BOTH the following criteria:
- The staff member is not themselves severely immunocompromised. Severely immunocompromised staff who work on ward 2A, Lilac Centre or MDU must have a negative PCR test (taken after completion of self-isolation) before returning to work in those areas. Please contact Health Work and Well Being to arrange the PCR test.
- The staff member must adhere to all the Trust’s infection prevention policies and wear the correct PPE at all times.
If staff do not meet the above criteria, the staff member is required to not attend work for 10 days from the date of their onset of symptoms and if well, can return to work on day 11.
There is no longer a need for asymptomatic members of staff who have come into contact with COVID-19 to carry out testing (including LFDs). If a staff member is symptomatic, they must follow the process outlined in section 1 above.
Staff member can continue to work as normal as long as they fulfil the following criteria:
- The staff member should not have any symptoms of COVID-19.
- Staff must adhere to all the Trust’s infection prevention policies and guidelines, wear the correct PPE at all times.
Important notes:
- PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a swab test for detection of genetic material of SARS CoV-2, the virus which cases COVID-19 which is performed within a laboratory: these are not the lateral flow device (LFD) tests which detect proteins called ‘antigens’ produced by the virus and give rapid results, in 30 minutes after taking the test. Positive LFD results no longer need to be confirmed by a PCR test (unless the staff member is undertaking LFD tests as part of a research programme which requires them to undertake a follow-up PCR test).
- LFD tests – ordering and reporting of results:
All staff working on the Haematology inpatient ward (2A), Lilac Centre or MDU should ensure you have a small amount of tests at home (at least 5 per person) for use if/when required.
The way LFDs are obtained has changed. You are no longer able to request LFD’s via the “” website.
LFDs can be ordered via Oracle by creating a requisition. This can be by whoever normally orders your consumables for the Ward- via this link:
Oracle (SBS). In the Oracle catalogue, type in “LFD” and select 1 box of 7 LFDs.

For emergency use, Ward Managers on 2A, Lilac Centre and MDU will also have a small stock However, symptomatic staff MUST not come into specifically for the purpose of obtaining LFDs.
To support statutory reporting requirements, staff patient test results are required to the reported to NHSE each week. Therefore, an excel sheet will be made available for staff to contact their Ward/Dept Manager to capture the required fields.
Further information on LFD testing is available at