Last updated on February 10th, 2021 at 07:46 pm

About the Session

What we eat and drink affects our whole wellbeing, and small changes to your diet can have a huge impact on energy levels and mood.

Take part

Join the team from St Helens Wellbeing service live on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 10th February at 12:30pm, as they explore which foods can boost your mood and make a difference to your health and wellbeing.

3 minute watch: Food & Mood with Mind Charity

About St Helens Wellbeing Service

St Helens Wellbeing Service makes it easier to access a wide range of healthy living and wellbeing support through a ’one stop shop’. They offer advice and help with healthy eating, exercise, weight management, stopping smoking, breastfeeding, emotional and social wellbeing, oral health and volunteering.

If you enjoyed the session you can connect with them via the St Helens Wellbeing Service website.