Dear colleagues,
The requirements around PPE with regards to COVID-19 have caused confusion across the whole healthcare sector.
Whilst we await further guidance from NHS England, the Trust has listened to concerns about how to differentiate between suspected and non-suspected patients, and in order to reassure staff further, has taken the decision that with immediate effect:
- all staff working in clinical areas should wear a fluid resistant surgical mask
- masks are to be changed every 3 hours
- staff in direct contact with patients should also wear an apron and gloves
- gloves and aprons are to be changed after each patient contact or episode of care
- the previous guidance around PPE for aerosol generating procedures remains the same
Please ensure that all equipment is disposed of in the yellow clinical waste bags/bins provided, and you follow the appropriate hand hygiene procedures.
To access supplies, please speak to your line manager.
Please DO NOT wear masks in the restaurants or shops, rest areas or communal spaces where you can maintain social distancing of 2 metres.
Thank you for your continued hard work.
Ann Marr OBE
Chief Executive
Rowan Pritchard Jones
Medical Director