Chief Executive Message

Dear colleagues,

It is important to remember that the risk of contracting coronavirus has not diminished. There are major concerns that transmission rates within hospital settings remain high nationwide.

As we begin to reintroduce services, more people will be moving through our buildings and therefore additional safety measures are being implemented.
This is why from Monday 15th June, all NHS staff are required to wear a surgical mask in public areas of hospitals.

Masks must also be worn in all areas where social distancing cannot be achieved. In clinical areas, staff must continue to follow the relevant PPE guidelines.

It is vitally important that we do everything we can to protect each other and our patients to stop the virus spreading and prevent a second wave.

So please remember,  stay 2 metres apart whenever it is possible, both inside and outside of our buildings, clean your hands regularly and wear a mask when required.

From Monday, masks will be available at all main entrances, and there will also be appropriate orange bins to ensure safe disposal.

For more information, please visit the Staff Covid Website:
Password: (STHKcovid19)

Kind regards,
