Chief Executive update 23/12/20

Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 01:15 pm

Dear colleagues,

Further to my update last week, I am pleased to inform you that the Trust hope to commence its COVID-19 vaccination programme next week, after supplies of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine were allocated to us by the national supply chain.

As you know, STHK staff classed as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) have already been offered their vaccination at established vaccination hubs at neighbouring Trusts, but now a preliminary date of the 29th December has been given for the Trust to receive our own supplies of the vaccine.

This is a positive step forward in our vaccination programme, and we will be contacting each staff member individually via their Trust email account to arrange an appointment for vaccination at the earliest opportunity.

Priority will be given to those members of staff that are classed as clinically vulnerable and most at risk. These staff will be contacted in the next few days, we will then work through the remaining groups of staff as efficiently as possible.

Please do not attend the Vaccination Hub unless you have been contacted directly for an appointment.

After 10 long months it is understandable that everyone is eager to be protected against the virus, and I assure you that we will be working hard to vaccinate our entire workforce as soon as possible.

We anticipate the vaccination programme will take a number of weeks to complete, and will also be dependent on supplies of the vaccine continuing from the national supply chain.

I will continue to keep you updated as the programme develops.

Once again, thank you all for your support.


Ann Marr OBE
Chief Executive