Staff Update 15/07/20

Today’s staff update is below:

  • Risks of Covid-19 have not reduced
  • Annual Leave – information for managers and staff
  • Restrictions in the Emergency Department
  • Covid Heroes


We are still admitting patients to our hospitals with the virus and Knowsley is currently one of the areas with the highest number of cases in the country.

Lockdown restrictions may be easing, but this means that the risks to staff and patients are changing and increasing.

As more patients come back into our hospitals, we will become more exposed to those risks and it is essential that staff recognise their personal responsibility to protect themselves and each other.

The Test and Trace system has already identified staff who have been in contact with people that have tested positive for the virus, requiring them to isolate for 14 days.
That is why following social distancing guidelines, wearing a mask correctly and appropriately, and following hygiene procedures is crucial
to not only protect staff but to ensure that service delivery is not affected.

Managers are also reminded that they MUST ensure their staff are following the guidelines and adhering to Trust policy at all times.


Face masks

ALL staff are reminded that they MUST wear a surgical mask in all public areas of the hospitals and Trust buildings.

This includes; on corridors, in staff rooms and departments where social distance guidelines cannot be met (2 metres apart in NHS environments).

Additional PPE requirements apply to clinical areas and when providing direct care to patients – please refer to (password: STHKcovid19) for further details.

Staff must ensure that the masks fully cover their nose and mouth, DO NOT have the mask below the nose, below the chin, or hanging from the ear.

Removed masks must be disposed of in bins with orange waste bags.

Remember to clean your hands before putting a mask on and after removing a mask.

It is vital for the safety of your colleagues and patients that masks are worn and disposed of correctly.


Hand and work space hygiene

It is crucial that staff wash their hands regularly.
Wash with soap and water or use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.

Regularly wipe down work surfaces/desks/phones/computers with the sanitising wipes available, particularly in shared work spaces.


Social distancing

Staff are reminded that social distancing guidelines MUST be followed at all times.

This is applicable in the work environment, and staff are also reminded of their own personal responsibility to follow the Government’s guidance in social environments.

For NHS environments, the 2 metre rule should still be applied.
This includes office environments in both clinical and non-clinical areas.  


  • YOU MUST stay 2m apart as much as possible
  • ALL offices MUST have a Covid Secure Risk Assessment (see details below)
  • ALL offices / meeting areas must clearly display the maximum occupancy permitted on the entrance door (including offices in clinical areas)
  • DO NOT enter an area if the space is already at maximum occupancy, find an alternative desk/meeting space
  • DO NOT sit closer than 2 metres in break out areas or staff rooms
  • DO NOT share cars with other team members
  • DO NOT sit outside in groups
  • only 2 people in a lift
  • 1 person through the revolving doors
  • 1 person per table in the restaurant
  • Respect people’s space in queues in the restaurants, costa and WH Smith
  • Follow directions arrows around the buildings


Overseas Travel

The Government guidance with regards to travel abroad continues to evolve. Staff should not book overseas travel before they have agreed the duration of the leave required with their line manager to ensure that they can comply with the appropriate quarantine measures on their return to the UK. This will include the use of annual leave or unpaid leave. Staff are advised to discuss any proposed plans with their line manager who can liaise with HR for further guidance.

The Standard Operating Procedure for the management of annual leave 2020/21 has been added to the staff Covid Website (password: STHKcovid19):


Staff are reminded that visiting restrictions are still in place across our hospitals and this applies to staff visiting friends and family also.

Please DO NOT visit the Emergency Department, Maternity Department or any wards or clinics to visit your own relatives and friends. Restrictions are in place to protect the patients and your colleagues and working in the hospital does not make you exempt from these restrictions.

It is also inappropriate for staff to use the Emergency Department as a short cut to enter or leave the building. Patients are still being admitted with the virus and this is a clinical area with PPE measures in place for staff in this area.

Please respect your colleagues and do not put them in a position where they have to challenge you for being in the department.


The Outpatients Department at Newton Hospital only joined the Trust in April this year, and what a time to move Trusts, right in the middle of a pandemic!

The team, made up of both clinical and non-clinical staff, had no time to become accustomed to their new organisation before it was all hands on deck to support patient care.

They responded quickly, supporting colleagues in the intermediate care unit, district nurses in the community, as well as continuing their work with GP and consultant colleagues in outpatients.

They’ve definitely risen to the challenge, that’s what we call team work!