Last updated on December 7th, 2021 at 06:10 pm

Procurement Guidance and Update – May 2021:

All departments should have suitable PPE stock to ensure safe provision of care, in line with the national guidance. There are not expected to be any PPE supply issues.

Where your department needs PPE, please raise a requisition (ideally once a week) for PPE. These items will be delivered to you within 48hrs. In Oracle (pictured below) please type the product code and it will automatically bring up the items to select. Please select your estimated quantity required for one week and we will deliver the items.

If you are currently receiving the “PPE Top Up Service” then you will continue to get the PPE through this.

All PPE is to be kept secure but readily available in each department for staff that need them. Please do not attempt to collect any PPE from the PPE store, unless it is a genuine emergency.

The team are working hard to cover all the PPE needs for the Trust. Since mid-March the team have taken delivery of and distributed over 12 million items of PPE.

We are still running a PPE 9am-5pm cover, Monday to Friday from Whiston Hospital.

Orders for PPE should now be placed via Shop on SBS/Oracle. Simply enter the item code listed below into Shop search and select quantity required. Orders should be placed in quantities that reflect the Unit of Measure. For example, if you order 1x STHKIIR, you will receive a box of 50 masks; if you order 2x STHKVISORS, you will receive 2 visors, etc.:

STHKIIRType IIR Surgical Masks – EarloopBOXBOX 50
STHKIIRTIEType IIR Surgical Masks – TieBOXBOX 50
STHK1863+FFP3 Masks – 3M 1863+BOXBOX 20
STHK9330+FFP3 Masks – 3M 9330+ EACHEACH
STHKF31000FFP3 Masks – GVS F31000BOXBOX 15
STHK2016VFFP3 Masks – Meixin 2016VEACHEACH
STKHY9632FFP3 Masks – Handahny HY9632BOXBOX 10
STHKHX3FFP3 Masks – Alpha Solway HX-3BOXBOX 20
STHK1730FFP3 Masks – Draeger X-Plor 1730BOXBOX 20
STHK3207-DFFP3 Masks – Honeywell 3207-D NR (Super One)BOXBOX 16
STHKJSPSmallJSP Reusable Half-face Respirators – SmallEACHEACH
STHKJSPMedJSP Reusable Half-face Respirators – MediumEACHEACH
STHKJSPLargeJSP Reusable Half-face Respirators – LargeEACHEACH
STHKJSPfiltersJSP P3 Particulate Filters – Universal sizePAIRPAIR 2
STHKsterilegownsSterile Disposable Gowns – XL – Box sizes varyEACHEACH
STHKnonsterilegownsNon-sterile Disposable Gowns – XL – Box sizes varyEACHEACH
STHKapronsRoll of ApronsPACKPACK 100
STHKGlovessmallNitrite Gloves – Small – Box sizes varyBOXBOX 200
STHKGlovesmedNitrite Gloves – Medium – Box sizes varyBOXBOX 200
STHKGloveslargeNitrite Gloves – Large – Box sizes varyBOXBOX 200
STHKGlovesXLNitrile Gloves – XL – Box sizes varyBOXBOX 200
STHK60mlgelPocket-sized Hand Gel (60ml)EACHEACH
STHK500mlgelLarge Hand Gel (500ml)EACHEACH
STHKvisorsFace Visors – Box sizes varyEACHEACH
STHKglassesDisposable Goggles ONLYEACHEACH
STHKbodybagsBody Bags – StandardEACHEACH
STHKbodybagsbariatricBody Bags – BariatricEACHEACH

Please ensure this is the only way that PPE is ordered and do not visit the PPE store to collect items – they will be delivered to you.

We provide a “PPE Top Up Service” to many clinical departments. If your department does not receive this  and you feel it needs adding (i.e. you are using lots of PPE), or you do get this service and feel your weekly delivery levels need adjusting then please contact and title your email “PPE weekly stock”.

Product updates:

  • All alcohol wall gels need to be ordered by your usual process now (ie Materials Management or via Oracle).
  • Wipes need to be ordered via Oracle – the product codes and availability change on a daily basis, so before ordering please email and title your email “Wipes”.

If you have any questions, please email