Staff Update 03/06/20

Last updated on June 10th, 2020 at 05:48 pm

Please can we remind all staff to maintain social distancing where possible. The risk of Covid-19 has NOT reduced. Please stay safe and keep apart.

Today’s cabinet update is below, the next update will be Friday 5th June

  • Vaccine trial
  • Test and Trace
  • Staff/Household member testing process
  • Testing patients who have a negative admission screen
  • Infection control
  • Patient’ s belongings
  • NHS Covid Heroes

Vaccine Trial

The Oxford Vaccine Group trial is now recruiting ALL health workers including those from non-COVID areas and those in non-clinical roles eg patient facing reception/ domestic staff etc. to take part in the trial that will hopefully pave the way for the release of the vaccine worldwide.

More information is available on their website and there is a link for participants for Liverpool 

If you do apply online you will be contacted by telephone, asked a few questions and invited to attend a short presentation after which you may discuss the study with a doctor or nurse and choose whether to consent to take part.

Test and Trace

If you are contacted by the Test and Trace Service (the alert will come by either text or email for over 18s) please contact your line manager immediately so that your particular circumstances can be discussed and a way forward agreed.

Changes to staff and household member testing 

From 1st June 2020 all symptomatic staff and household contacts will be tested at the Regional Test Centre (RTC)

The new process is detailed on the Covid Staff Website (password STHKcovid19)

Repeat testing of patients who have a negative admission screen

For those admitted from 18 May 2020, patients who test negative on their admission screen, a single re-test should be conducted 5-7 days after admission. Using the appropriate drop down selection on Medway (see below). Patients who are awaiting this repeat test result but who do not have clinical features of COVID-19 do NOT need isolation in side rooms (unless they also have another reason to require this e.g. another infectious disease requiring isolation precautions or infection alert such as MRSA/VRE/CPE).

Infection control

Please can we remind all staff of best practices regarding Infection Prevention Control including

  • Appropriate use of hand hygiene (clean your hands)
  • Appropriate use of PPE  
  • Social distancing (2m at all times where possible)
  • Please ensure the environment you work in is tidy, free of clutter and is clean 

Patient’s belongings

As a result of visiting restrictions patient’s belongings are accumulating in some areas.
Please ensure patients keep belongings to a minimum and ask relatives to collect unnecessary items on a regular basis.


Take a bow Marshalls Cross Medical Centre! Well done for supporting each other so well and continuing to provide excellent care for your patients. Despite the many challenges,
clinics and face to face consultations have continued safely and you’ve even taught many patients how to use skype and facetime as a way of keeping in touch with you and their relatives. Your support for patients and colleagues in care homes as well as the many carers across the community has been incredibly valuable. Thank you!